The Top 15 Office Furnishings for a Green and Eco-friendly Workplace

Eco-friendly workplaces continue to gain popularity, with individuals and businesses alike striving to reduce their carbon footprint and contribute to a sustainable future. One key to creating an ecological workspace is choosing furnishings that are both functional and worthwhile. Continue reading as we explore the top 15 office furnishings for a green and eco-friendly workplace.

1) Height-Adjustable Desks

Height-adjustable desks are often made from sustainable materials, making them an ideal option for an environmentally friendly office. And because they can be used as a standing or sitting desk, they offer versatility in one desking mechanism, promote productivity, and encourage movement throughout the day.

2) Ergonomic Chairs

Did you know the first office chair went into production in 1851? The designs have progressed significantly since then, with ergonomic support and long-term comfort for the consumer becoming a primary focus. Many are built with eco-friendly materials and engineered for longevity, meaning you can use them for longer and reduce waste.

3) LED Lighting

Choosing the right lighting for your office is key to reducing energy consumption. According to the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), light-emitting diode (LED) lights last longer and are more durable than incandescent and other lights. Choosing LEDs offers bright and efficient illumination while promoting sustainability.

When you go through your design/light bulb options we recommend sticking with three basic types:

Ambient/General Lighting

Accent Lighting

Task Lighting

Modern ambient lighting with acoustic properties in a cozy corner, an attractive option for a modern eco-friendly workplace.

4) Solar-Powered Chargers

Charging our devices is a day-to-day necessity to help accomplish a wide range of tasks. If your plan is to convert to being an eco-friendly workplace, consider reducing energy with solar-powered essentials.

5) Recycled Paper

Did you know traditional paper is made from post-consumer waste? You can find an array of recycled paper brands and options ranging from Amazon to your local office supply store.

6) Reusable Water Bottles

Encouraging employees to use reusable water bottles can significantly reduce the amount of plastic waste generated in the workplace. You can also look into installing a bottle-filling drinking fountain! Elkay® provides excellent station options to fit whatever space you need it to. Plus, there is a digital counter showing the amount of “bottles saved” by using the fountain. As the numbers add up over time, you and your employees actually see how much you’re saving.

7) Natural Cleaning Products

We don’t realize the amount of harmful chemicals that come from our day-to-day cleaning agents. When you need to refill your cleaning cabinet, search for organic cleaning options that don’t contain volatile organic compounds (VOCs).

8) Energy-Efficient Appliances

Energy-efficient appliances, such as refrigerators or coffee machines, are an excellent way to reduce your company’s carbon footprint. Think about how many times people in your office use these devices on a given day and imagine the amount of energy being used!

9) Air-Purifying Plants

Air-purifying plants can help improve indoor air quality while being aesthetically pleasing and calming to your team. Fellowes® AeraMax® air purifying systems are another great option for more significant purification.

10) Reclaimed Furniture

Whether using wood, particle board, thermofoil, or laminate to update your office design, you can refabricate, repurpose, and refurbish. Minnesota Office Furniture specializes in refurbished furniture to offer everything you need and save you a good chunk of change.

11) Programmable Thermostats

Manually updating the indoor temperature can be a waste of time and money. With programmable thermostats, you can pre-set temperatures based on your office’s schedule ahead of time. That way, the temperature automatically adjusts for enhanced energy efficiency.

12) Paperless Document Management Systems

Implementing paperless systems within your organization will vastly improve the clutter and available space you have. And at the same time, these practices will be in line with your newfound eco-friendly approach and outlook.

13) Sustainable Shelving Units

When searching for the right storage solutions that work for you, look into units made from bamboo or reclaimed wood. These materials provide an environmentally friendly alternative to traditional shelving options.

14) Biodegradable Office Supplies

“Going green” is the wave of the future. Even the smallest office supply needs like paperclips and pens are manufactured with sustainable materials that fit this organic mantra! Look for biodegradable supplies whenever possible to help keep your office green.

15) Electric Hand Dryers

Using paper towels to dry your hands adds more waste. Thanks to technological advancements, today’s electric hand dryers are more effective and energy efficient than ever. Additionally, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) debunked the misconception that they’re less hygienic than paper towels.

Let Minnesota Office Furniture Help You Go Green

Many organizations are making conscious efforts to become more sustainable and energy-efficient. Ready to do your part by creating an eco-friendly workplace? MOF is here to help you with a custom design and furnishing solution.

Contact us today to get started!

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