Modern Office Furniture Ideas for the Office of Today

The modern office of today combines old and new features to make a really dynamic, flexible workspace. Shared office furniture, private workspaces, and tech-integrated furniture are making a big resurgence in offices all over. We found some of the coolest modern office furniture ideas to help inspire you to make your space prepared for today, tomorrow, and the future.

Common Areas

More and more offices are becoming modular and flexible when it comes to workspaces. Especially in creative industries, it helps to be able to introduce different environments to keep creative juices flowing, and to collaborate with coworkers in a comfortable, creative space. We spend a lot of time at work, and to some people it may be the only place they go aside from home in a day, so making common areas that are “homey” can help people relax and just have to worry about work, and not uncomfortable chairs or stuffy conference rooms.

Private Spaces

On the flip side of having collaborative common areas is privacy areas. Not everyone gets an office, but most everyone may want privacy at some point. In a time where open office concepts are dying down, the need for privacy leads people to want to step away or even work remotely in order to make private phone calls or have some quiet time to work. Private phone booths, sectioned off conference room, and even privacy pods are becoming prominent in the modern office. Office screens, acoustic seating, and office booths or work hubs that can be easily added to existing desk spaces can be a great way to keep volume down, and give a sense of privacy to meetings or phone calls.

private spaces for modern office furniture ideas

Office Screens and Dividers

Easily add enclosed spaces into your office plan, without having to do any renovation. Office dividers can be fabric, glass, screen, or actual walls. They can be fitted to include ceilings, lighting, air flow, and additional power sources. It’s a great option in the open office concept spaces, to include a bit of private office space in there for meetings or private workspaces.

phone booths for modern office furniture ideas

Luxury Phone Booth

Luxury phone booths don’t have to just be for phone calls, but they are a great way to bring in a small space to go make a personal or business phone call, or work on a project in peace. The Loop privacy pod has a cool modern design, and includes a padded seat, small desk, and integrated lighting inside to make the perfect little office.

nice cubicles for modern office furniture ideas

Work Hubs

Workbays or work hubs can create a booth for work activities like meetings or training sessions. It can allow for quieter voice calls by containing the acoustics. People can even DIY their own office in an open office.


Integrating technology into office furniture creates a seamless workspace that allows for fully charged, fully functional equipment that meets all your technology needs and more.

powered desks for modern office furniture ideas

Power Supply

There’s nothing worse than having your computer die mid-meeting. If you’ve worked in any office you may or may not have seen conference tables that have outlets in the middle of the table. Genius! This means the table itself becomes a power-source and also needs to be plugged in. This Room&Board table comes ready to go.

standing desks for modern office furniture ideas

Electronic Standing Desks

Standing desks are becoming more and more apparent in modern offices. Many companies are encouraging of health initiatives which include not sitting all day long. Standing desks can be modular and sit on top of tables so you have the option to sit or stand at your usual desk. You can also get standing desks that convert with the push of a button. You can set it to any height you need or want within seconds, and no physical strain whatsoever.

touchscreen tabletops for modern office furniture ideas

Touchscreen Tabletops

In the movies, based on “the future” we should’ve had touchscreen everything, or even three dimensional in-air computers like Tony Stark, but alas we don’t. If you have a lobby and get a lot of a visitors, using touchscreen pads or tables/screens can help organize guests by allowing them to login and browse info on the computer easily and quickly. Or use them for a fun interactive meeting!


After the age of the open concept office, which died out super quickly, people want bits of that but with more traditional office perks. Modular furniture allows for a combination of open office with flexibility and keep things from getting too boring or mundane. Functional furniture makes workspaces nice and useable, and are fun to have. And lastly, to maintain collaboration with teams and coworkers, especially in creative industries.

modern office furniture ideas - open trends


Modular furniture can be moved around, and can create new working environments which can help keep things from getting stagnant, and ignite the creative process. Plus, everyone can have a workspace that works for them, and doesn’t have to use the same thing as everyone else.

modern office furniture trends usable design


Functional desks are great for keeping your workspace free of clutter, and lets you focus on work, not distracted by what is or isn’t on your desk. This desk, in particular, has built-in hidden storage. It can be a place to hide papers, your cell phone or calculators and other tools that don’t need to be visible on your desk. Some desks even have moveable filing cabinets that can be utilized for extra storage, as well as extra seating.

modern office furniture ideas collaborative design


Not everyone wants to be sitting around their coworkers all the time, but still know the importance of having a collaborative work environment. Collaborative workspaces can help teams sit together in a comfortable space to bounce ideas off each other, share ideas and criticism, and sit for a few hours to work on a project.

Minnesota Office Furniture carries new, used, and refurbished office furniture that can fit any and all of these trends, and help you get the workspace that you always dreamed of.

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